Conditions about Number Transfer:
If you wish to transfer your original phone number to iTalkBB, please check your number on the form below first:
1.The Number Transfer process could take a minimum of 20 business days to complete. If your number is in the testing area of number transferring, we cannot guarantee the processing time or a successful transfer. We will have to cancel the number transferring process at the end of the 3rd month.
2.The name and address you provided for number transfer must be exactly the same as what you provided to your local phone service provider, that is the Service Address of your number. If you are not sure about the information you provided before, please contact your local phone service provider, and ask for CSR (Customer Service Record) number. Your number transfer process may be rejected or delayed if the information you submitted is incorrect.
3.You must not cancel your phone service with your current carrier during the number transfer process, Otherwise your phone number may fail to be transferred and may get lost permanently.
4.You may cancel your phone service with your current carrier after your number is successfully transferred to iTalkBB, including your long distance carrier, to avoid any additional charges from them.
5.Please see the following factors that may delay your number transferring process:
You have a contract with your current carrier.
Your number is bundled with your DSL broadband service.
Your current phone service has special features such as Special Ring Tone, ISDN or CENTREX related advanced features.
6.Once your number transfer request has been submitted it can not be stopped. If you wish to cancel your iTalkBB service, iTalkBB is not able to transfer your number back to your current carrier. iTalkBB can only transfer your number to your new carrier whom needs to submit the number transfer request.
To speed up your number transfer process, and save you money, please contact your current carrier to downgrade your service plan to the lowest one, and cancel all of special and advanced features you may have such as Caller ID, Call Forwarding, 3-Way-Calling, Voicemail, Special Ring Toneā€¦).
The number you wish to transfer will not be affected until the last few days of the process.
The entire number transfer process takes about 3 - 6 weeks.
Please Do Not Cancel Your Original Phone Services before the number is transferred over. Otherwise, we will not be able to process your request. Right before the phone number is finally transferred over to iTalkBB, you may experience a few days of interruption of incoming call to that phone number.
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