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Making Calls on iTalkBB Home Phone
Dialing instructions:
For calls within Australia: Dial Area Code + Phone Number
For calls to mobile phones within Australia or 13, 1300 and 1800 numbers: Dial Phone Number directly.
For international calls: Dial 0011 + Country Code + Phone Number
(i.e. 0011-86-10-88888888)
For iTalkBB to iTalkBB calling: Call other iTalkBB Home Phone customers at their 899 Number for FREE.
What is 899 Number?
For fax to Australia: same as normal calls within Australia.
Using Other Value Added Calling Features
China Local Number 950 Dialing Instructions
Besides a local phone number, every iTalkBB Home Phone customer gets an 11-digit "virtual China Local Number" starting with 950. Your family and friends in China (Mainland China only) can reach you at your China Local Number which is directly connected to your iTalkBB Home Phone. With the China Local Number 950, they call you without paying any international long distance charges, as calling a local number in their city.
Note: when your friends and family in China call you at your China Local Number 950, they just need to dial the 11-digit number starting with 950. No need to add 61 or any other area code before the 950 number.
Taiwan Access Number Dialing Instructions
iTalkBB Home Phone provides Taiwan Access Number service. Your friends and family in Taiwan can reach you via the Taiwan Access Number anytime without paying any international long distance charges.
After dialing one the following two numbers (02-40660660 or 02-40502999) and the call is connected, your friends and family in Taiwan dial your 899 Number (What is 899 Number?) , which will be connected to your iTalkBB Home Phone.